Развлекательное сообщество


- West Nile Virus Transmission Linked to Land Use Patterns and 'Super-Spreaders'
- Charge Separation in a Molecule Consisting of Two Identical Atoms: Size Matters
- New Robots Can Continuously Map Their Environment With Low-Cost Camera
- Targeting Bacterial Gas Defenses Allow for Increased Efficacy of Numerous Antibiotics
- Computer Program Scores 150 in IQ Test, Swedish Researchers Demonstrate
- Sound Rather Than Sight Can Activate 'Seeing' for the Blind, Say Researchers
- 'Bubblegram' Imaging: Novel Approach to View Inner Workings of Viruses
- Ten-Second Dance of Electrons Is Step Toward Exotic New Computers
- Prions Play Powerful Role in the Survival and Evolution of Wild Yeast Strains
- Artificial 'Womb' Unlocks Secrets of Early Embryo Development
- 'Look at That!' Ravens Gesture With Their Beaks to Point out Objects to Each Other
- Meteorite Shockwaves Trigger Dust Avalanches On Mars
- Observations of Gamma-Ray Burst Reveal Surprising Ingredients of Early Galaxies
- Climate Changes Faster Than Species Can Adapt, Rattlesnake Study Finds
- Young Stars Flicker Amidst Clouds of Gas and Dust
- Born to Roar: Lions' and Tigers' Fearsome Roars Are Due to Their Unusual Vocal Cords
- Jellyfish Inspires Latest Ocean-Powered Robot
- Short-Term Memory Is Based On Synchronized Brain Oscillations
- Step Forward in Effort to Regenerate Damaged Nerves
- Underground Heat: Landsat Satellites Track Yellowstone's Geothermal Activity
- Milky Way's Black Hole Found Grazing On Asteroids
- A Small Step for Lungfish, a Big Step for the Evolution of Walking
- Ancient Fossil Remains Reveal Velociraptor's Last Meal
- NASA Orbiter Catches Mars Sand Dunes in Motion
- Engineers Weld Nanowires With Light
- Obstacles No Barrier to Higher Speeds for Worms
- Proposed Nuclear Clock May Keep Time With the Universe
- New, Higher Estimates of Endangered Humpback Whales in the North Pacific
- Nowhere to Hide: Tigers Threatened by Human Destruction of Groundcover
- Making Memories Last: Prion-Like Protein Plays Key Role in Storing Long-Term Memories
- Planet-Sized Object as Cool as Earth Revealed in Record-Breaking Photo
- Data Support Theory On Location of Lost Leonardo Da Vinci Painting
- Chemists Synthesize Artificial Cell Membrane
- Whiff of 'Love Hormone' Helps Monkeys Show a Little Kindness
- Insects Have 'Personalities' Too, Research On Novelty-Seeking Honey Bees Indicates
- Who's the Boss? Research Shows Cells Influence Their Own Destiny
- Human, Artificial Intelligence Join Forces to Pinpoint Fossil Locations
- Climate Change May Bring Big Ecosystem Shifts, NASA Says
- Scientists Create First Free-Standing 3-D Cloak
- Detecting the 'Heartbeat' of Smallest Black Hole Candidate
- Scientists Discover New Clue to Chemical Origins of Life
- Even the Cleanest Wastewater Contributes to More 'Super Bacteria', Study Finds
- New Computers Respond to Students' Emotions, Boredom
- Deforestation Causes Cooling in Northern U.S., Canada, Study Finds
- Molecular 'Culprit' in Rise of Planetary Oxygen
- U.S. Rivers and Streams Saturated With Carbon
- In the Dragonfish's Mouth: The Next Generation of Superstars to Stir Up Our Galaxy
- West Antarctic Ice Shelves Tearing Apart at the Seams
- Multi-Purpose Photonic Chip Paves the Way to Programmable Quantum Processors
- Near-Miss Asteroid Will Return Next Year, Even Closer
- Most Recent European Great Ape Discovered
- Neanderthals and Their Contemporaries Engineered Stone Tools, Anthropologists Discover
- Graphene Electronics Moves Into a Third Dimension
- Remote Wilderness Polluted by Humans
- Scientists Tap the Cognitive Genius of Tots to Make Computers Smarter
- Simple 3-D Grid Structure Underlying Complexity of Primate Brain
- Ancient Depiction of Childbirth Discovered at Etruscan Site in Tuscany
- Hydrogen from Acidic Water: Potential Low Cost Alternative to Platinum for Splitting Water
- Studying Bat Skulls, Evolutionary Biologists Discover How Species Evolve
- Large Nest of Juvenile Dinosaurs, First of Their Genus Ever Found
- New Horned Dinosaur Announced Nearly 100 Years After Discovery
- When Continents Collide: New Twist to 50-Million-Year-Old Tale
- Crucial Advances in 'Brain Reading' Demonstrated
- Savannas and Forests in a Battle of the Biomes
- 'Dark Plasmons' Transmit Energy
- Diabetes May Start in the Intestines, Research Suggests
- Obese People Regain Weight After Dieting Due to Hormones, Australian Study Finds
- Hundreds of Threatened Species Not On Official U.S. List, Research Shows
- 'Saber-Toothed Squirrel': First Known Mammalian Skull from Late Cretaceous in South America
- Theory of the 'Rotting' Y Chromosome Dealt a Fatal Blow
- Winged Dinosaur Archaeopteryx Dressed for Flight
- Hubble Finds Quasars Acting as Gravitational Lenses
- 'Zombie' Worms Found in Mediterranean Fossil
- Workings of Molecular Motor Revealed
- 'Living' Micro-Robot Could Detect Diseases in Humans
- Rare Miller's Grizzled Langur Rediscovered in Borneo
- Scientists See 'Sloshing' Galaxy Cluster
- First Computer Model of How Buds Grow Into Leaves
- Two New Species of Horned Dinosaur Named
- Fiery Volcano Offers Geologic Glimpse Into Land That Time Forgot
- Eastern U.S. Forests Not Keeping Pace With Climate Change, Large Study Finds
- Getting to the Moon On Drops of Fuel
- Super-Earth Unlikely Able to Transfer Life to Other Planets
- Astronomers Discover Complex Organic Matter Exists Throughout the Universe
- Revisiting the 'Pillars of Creation'
- Researchers Send 'Wireless' Message Using a Beam of Neutrinos
- Cannabis Use Doubles Chances of Vehicle Crash, Review Finds
- Organics Probably Formed Easily in Early Solar System
- Origins of Antarctica's Ice-Covered Mountains Unraveled
- Hubble Uncovers Tiny Galaxies Bursting With Starbirth in Early Universe
- Some Bacteria Attack Using Spring-Loaded Poison Daggers
- Jawbone Found in England Is from the Earliest Known Modern Human in Northwestern Europe
- Ocean Acidification Rate May Be Unprecedented, Study Says
- Effects of Environmental Toxicants Reach Down Through Generations
- A Mitosis Mystery Solved: How Chromosomes Align Perfectly in a Dividing Cell
- Demise of Early Large Animals Caused by Both Humans and Climate Change
- Drop in Carbon Dioxide Levels Led to Polar Ice Sheet, Study Finds
- Planck All-Sky Images Show Cold Gas and Strange Haze in Milky Way Galaxy
- Patterns Seen in Spider Silk and Melodies Connected
- World's Smallest Frogs Discovered in New Guinea

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0 232 2013-02-27 20:06:46  Сергей
0 12 2013-02-27 20:06:27  Сергей
0 5 2013-02-27 20:05:50  Сергей
0 5 2013-02-27 20:05:32  Сергей
0 32 2013-02-27 20:05:15  Сергей
0 15 2013-02-27 20:04:53  Сергей
0 8 2013-02-27 20:04:35  Сергей
0 5 2013-02-27 20:03:48  Сергей
0 6 2013-02-27 20:03:20  Сергей
0 5 2013-02-27 20:03:04  Сергей
0 23 2013-02-27 20:02:23  Сергей
0 27 2013-02-27 20:02:06  Сергей
0 11 2013-02-27 20:01:48  Сергей
0 7 2013-02-27 19:56:33  Сергей
0 9 2013-02-27 19:48:01  Сергей

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